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Far from You de Tess Sharpe

Descripci贸n - Cr铆ticas * 'Sharpe creat[es] a lacerating picture of grief and regret. ...The murder mystery is compelling, and its resolution serves as a reminder that love is irrevocably tied to loss and that few people get out of it unscathed.'--Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, starred review* 'This beautifully realized debut delves into the emotions of a girl recovering from drug addiction and grief, all wrapped up in a solid mystery.'--Kirkus Reviews, starred review'Sharpe's writing is beautiful and her characters are fully realized...' --Booklist'This romance is full of struggle and strong emotions, likely to find an appreciable YA audience.'--School Library Journal Rese帽a del editor * 'This beautifully realized debut delves into the emotions of a girl recovering from drug addiction and grief, all wrapped up in a solid mystery.' -Kirkus Reviews (starred review) * 'Sharpe creat[es] a lacerating picture of grief and regret. ...The murder mystery is compelling, and its resolution serves as a reminder that love is irrevocably tied to loss and that few people get out of it unscathed.' -Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books (starred review) 'This romance is full of struggle and strong emotions, likely to find an appreciable YA audience.' -School Library JournalSophie Winters nearly died. Twice.The first time, she's fourteen, and escapes a near-fatal car accident with scars, a bum leg, and an addiction to Oxy that'll take years to kick. The second time, she's seventeen, and it's no accident. Sophie and her best friend Mina are confronted by a masked man in the woods. Sophie survives, but Mina is not so lucky. When the cops deem Mina's murder a drug deal gone wrong, casting partial blame on Sophie, no one will believe the truth: Sophie has been clean for months, and it was Mina who led her into the woods that night for a meeting shrouded in mystery.After a forced stint in rehab, Sophie returns home to a chilly new reality. Mina's brother won't speak to her, her parents fear she'll relapse, old friends have become enemies, and Sophie has to learn how to live without her other half. To make matters worse, no one is looking in the right places and Sophie must search for Mina's murderer on her own. But with every step, Sophie comes closer to revealing all: about herself, about Mina?and about the secret they shared. Biograf铆a del autor Born in a backwoods cabin to a pair of punk rockers, Tess Sharpe grew up in rural California. Following an internship with the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, she studied theater at Southern Oregon University before abandoning the stage for the professional kitchen. She lives, bakes, and writes near the Oregon border. This is her first novel. Visit her online at

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Far from You
  • Autor: Tess Sharpe
  • Categoria: Libros,Juvenil,Novelas y ficci贸n literaria
  • Tama帽o del archivo: 17 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Espa帽ol
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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