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Why We Took the Car de Wolfgang Herrndorf

Descripci贸n - Cr铆ticas 'You will see the world with different eyes after reading this novel' (Rolling Stone)'Exhilarating and hilarious... Why We Took the Car has definite potential for cult status' (Observer)'Insightful and funny' (Philip Ardagh Guardian)'Enjoyably offbeat' (Irish Times)'Herndorff finds a fresh, ever-inventive and exuberant peculiarity in the world just beyond the windscreen, as well as a soul-deep empathy in his characters... As a writer myself, it's the kind of book I wish I'd written.' (Keith Gray, The Scotsman) Rese帽a del editor Mike doesn't get why people think he's boring. Sure, he doesn't have many friends. (OK, zero friends.) And everyone laughs at him when he reads his essays out loud in class. And he's never invited to parties.But one day Tschick, the odd new boy at school, shows up at Mike's house out of the blue. He dares him to go on a road trip with him. No parents, no map, no destination. Will they get hopelessly lost in the middle of nowhere? Probably. Will they meet crazy people and get into serious trouble? Definitely. But will they ever be called boring again?Not a chance.'You will see the world with different eyes after reading this novel' Rolling StoneWinner of the German Teen Literature Prize Biograf铆a del autor Wolfgang Herrndorf (1965-2013) was born in Hamburg, Germany and studied painting before turning to writing later in his career. He wrote several award-winning novels for adults, and WHY WE TOOK THE CAR is his first book to be published in the UK.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Why We Took the Car
  • Autor: Wolfgang Herrndorf
  • Categoria: Libros,Juvenil,Novelas y ficci贸n literaria
  • Tama帽o del archivo: 7 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Espa帽ol
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Lee un libro Why We Took the Car de Wolfgang Herrndorf Libros Gratis en EPUB

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