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Clean de Juno Dawson

Descripci贸n - Cr铆ticas Written with verve, wit and a mischievous love of's one to just enjoy (Stylist)Emotional freight train of a novel (Heat)A pretty addictive read. If you buy it for a teen in your life, make sure you borrow it off them (or read it first) because it's bloody great (The Pool)In the 20 years since Melvin Burgess's Junk, surprisingly few YA novels have dared tackle addiction. Juno Dawson's Clean changes that in spectacular style... As bold and gritty as it is fabulously glossy and readable, it's a provocative, important read (Fiona Noble The Observer)A blingy gold cover draws the eye to Juno Dawson's Clean, the foul-mouthed, in-yer-face account of Lexi, a super-rich party girl gone off the rails, and her effortful journey towards kicking her heroin habit. Set in a plush rehab facility, Dawson's latest novel mingles pitch-perfect pop-culture references with the layers of lies and self-justification in which the addict's mind wreathes itself; it's compulsively readable, hilarious and filled with uncomfortable truths (Guardian)Gossip Girl goes to rehab... It's pacy, funny and in parts very touching... Lexi is great company. Sweary, cynical and quick with a comeback, she feels real... What feels spot-on are the group dynamics and fledgling friendships... I thoroughly enjoyed the flashbacks to Lexi's lavish life... for a rambunctious read about teen addiction, Clean hits the spot (i newspaper)Sharp, gripping and tender, Clean is the story of how a small group of damaged people, by being there for each other, find a way to help themselves...Juno Dawson shows herself to be a judicious, bold storyteller with an instinctive feel for emotional authenticity - and Clean is her best novel yet. (Attitude magazine)bold and incisive with razor-sharp writing ... it's one of the few YA books brave enough to tackle addiction head-on (The Bookseller)Glamorous without glamorising addiction, and informative without getting preachy, this is a highly readable account of escaping from a self-destructive spiral (The Irish Times)An engrossing read (Stellar Magazine) Rese帽a del editor When socialite Lexi Volkov almost overdoses, she thinks she's hit rock bottom. She's wrong.Because rock bottom is when she's forced into an exclusive rehab facility.From there, the only way is up for Lexi and her fellow inmates, including the mysterious Brady.As she faces her demons, Lexi realises love is the most powerful drug of all ... It's a dirty business getting clean.Addiction, redemption, love and despair. Clean is Gossip Girl meets Girl, Interrupted, and it will have you hooked from the very first page. 'I loved it' Marian Keyes'One to just enjoy' Stylist'An emotional freight train of a novel' Heat 'As bold and gritty as it is fabulously glossy and readable' Observer** With a stunning rose gold foil cover, Clean will look amazing on your bookshelf ** Biograf铆a del autor Juno Dawson grew up in West Yorkshire, writing imaginary episodes of DOCTOR WHO. She later turned her talent to journalism, interviewing bands before writing for a Brighton newspaper. Until recently, Juno worked as a teacher, specialising in PSHE. She is most proud of her work surrounding anti-bullying and family diversity. In 2014 she became a School Role Model for the charity STONEWALL. In 2015, Juno announced her intention to undergo gender transition and live as a woman.Visit Juno's website at

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Clean
  • Autor: Juno Dawson
  • Categoria: Libros,Juvenil,Novelas y ficci贸n literaria
  • Tama帽o del archivo: 15 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Espa帽ol
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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